Everyday Digital Skills: Computer and Internet Essentials 1
- Use digital technology for short and basic workplace tasks (FSKDIG001)
<p><strong>Unit of Competency:</strong> FSKDIG001 – <em>Use digital technology for routine workplace tasks</em></p>
<p><strong>Course Objective:</strong><br />
This course provides participants with a
...To claim NSW Government funding* under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs**,** please contact us on 9482 1189, email clients@hkcc.nsw.edu.au,
or complete the online enrolment form:
*This training attracts full NSW Government funding under the Adult Community Education (ACE) and Targeted Skills for Small Business (TSB) Programs, if you meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Are an AUS citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or a NZ citizen
• 15 years or older
• Live or work in NSW
• No longer at school or equivalent
AND (ONE of the following for ACE)
• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• Receiving government benefits or are a dependent of someone who does
• Living with a disability
• Dependent of someone with a disability
• Low language, literacy, numeracy or digital skills
• Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
• Unemployed, working part-time, or returning to work
• Experiencing financial hardship
• Facing personal challenges (e.g., family/domestic violence, recovery from addiction, or involvement with the justice system)
• Aged 15-24 and at risk of not continuing education or finding a job
• Did not complete Year 12 or equivalent
• TSB funding stream (For small business owners or employees)
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ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology
- Create ICT user documentation (ICTICT309)
- Maintain interactive content (CUADIG201)
- Apply introductory programming techniques (ICTPRG302)
- Apply introductory object-oriented language skills (ICTPRG430)
- Provide ICT advice to clients (ICTSAS305)
- Build simple web pages (ICTWEB304)
- Maintain and repair ICT equipment and software (ICTSAS309)
- Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information (BSBXCS303)
- Run standard diagnostic tests (ICTSAS308)
- Work in a team (BSBXTW301)
- Identify IP, ethics and privacy policies in ICT environments (ICTICT313)
- Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills (BSBCRT301)
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Everyday Digital Skills: Computer and Internet Essentials 2
- Use digital technology for simple workplace tasks (FSKDIG02)
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